
New Open Call launched
Studio Z4 Residency



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Studio Z4 Residency:
artist sharing with Kaldi Moss

"Apparatuses do not merely facilitate measurements; they produce (in) different worlds." — Karen Barad, Meeting the Universe Halfway

Dear all

On Friday 21st June we invite you to the residency sharing of Indian artist Kaldi Moss, who is in Zürich for a 3-month residency with Pro Helvetia New Delhi. Moss will present a set of experiments in the form of a performance they call "Lying Down With Time".

"The measurement of time is not just about clocks ticking; it involves complex cultural and philosophical frameworks that dictate our understanding of temporal reality." — Sundar Sarukkai

Lying Down With Time is in response to Moss’s observation of people in Zurich and their loyalty to clock time. How does this relate to the idea of freedom and what does this mean for someone who conceives and lives time differently?

In an attempt to create an apparatus that can sharpen the question, Moss explores a series of incremental experiments, entangling ideas taken from computer science research (Time, clocks, and ordering of events in a distributed network, Leslie et. al.) and biology with philosophy and electronics.

The sharing starts at 6 pm. Afterward, you are invited for drinks and snacks.

See you at our studios at Zeughaus 4 / Kasernenareal / Zeughausstrasse 56 in Zürich.

Kaldi Moss is in a studio residency supported by Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia.


1 Jahr IFMZ @Zeughaus 4


Residenzprogramm Multidirectional Motions

Ab Winter 2023/24 bietet die IFMZ in Kooperation mit SONIC MATTER – Plattform für experimentelle Musik und Oto Sound Museum ein Residenzprogramm im Studio 1 der IFMZ-Räumlichkeiten des Zeughaus 4 im Kasernenareal Zürich an. Der Open Call richtet sich an in der Schweiz lebende Soundkünstler:innen, Musiker:innen und Komponist:innen mit Fokus auf zeitgenössische, experimentelle Musik oder installative und spartenübergreifende Praxen. Bewerben können sich Einzelpersonen oder Duos. Für Bands und grössere Ensembles ist die Residenz nicht geeignet. Die Residenz ist auch offen für Künstler:innen aus Zürich.

DEADLINE 12. November 2023

ZUM CALL: ︎︎︎Deutsch ︎︎︎Français ︎︎︎Italiano ︎︎︎English


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