
1 Year IFMZ @Zeughaus 4


Residency Programme Multidirectional Motions

Starting in winter 2023/24, the IFMZ in cooperation with SONIC MATTER – Platform for Experimental Music and Oto Sound Museum offers a residency programme in Studio 1 of the IFMZ premises at Zeughaus 4 in the Kasernenareal Zurich. The Open Call is aimed at sound artists, musicians and composers living in Switzerland with a focus on contemporary, experimental music or installative and cross-disciplinary practices. Individuals or duos can apply. The residency is not suitable for bands or larger ensembles. The residency is also open to artists from Zurich.

DEADLINE 12 November 2023

TO THE CALL: ︎︎︎Deutsch ︎︎︎Français ︎︎︎Italiano ︎︎︎English


The free Zurich music scene needs spaces! That's why we founded the association IFMZ and wrote a position paper. If you support our cause, please sign the petition. We are happy about new supporters!

︎︎︎Sign the Petition