
Kaldi Moss - artist in residence from Goa/India at Studio Z4 Residency

On their residency, Kaldi Moss will be immersing themselves in a multifaceted exploration of sound. They’ll craft instruments, experimenting with a range of techniques from software to analog hardware. Alongside, they’ll conduct ongoing observations in psychoustics and rhythms across various temporal and environmental contexts. Additionally, they’ll compose spatial pieces that blend noise, live electronics, analog instruments, and collaborative improvisation, prioritizing observation-driven complexity over rigid rules. Moss is interested in experience of beings, their inner lives, measurement, making tools and instruments. They’re invested in studying the subconscious effect of rhythms and shapes that we live in and are interested in transforming architecture through sound. From exploring software, hardware, digital and analog techniques of sound-making to ongoing observations in psychoustics and rhythms at different scales of time and in different kinds of places. Moss also delves into writing spatial compositions that work with various elements of noise, live electronics, analog instruments, and collaboration, improvisation etc.

Supported by Pro Helvetia New Delhi

Photograph by Alina Tiphagne


Studio Z4 Residency is ready to go - Our residents in the following months

Starting in January 2024 IFMZ, in cooperation with SONIC MATTER - Platform for Experimental Music, offers a residency program at the IFMZ spaces of Zeughaus 4 in the Kasernenareal Zurich to sound artists, musicians and composers living in Switzerland with a focus on contemporary, experimental music or installation and cross-disciplinary practices.

From January - April 2024 we will welcome the following artists, who were selected by a jury from an open call.

Myalo (Locarno)
Zainab Lascandri (Zürich)
Aya Metwalli (Bern)
Ronja Svaneborg (Zürich, Dornbirn)
Suntka Rinke (Zürich)
Mario Espinoza (Zürich)
Kollektiv HuGo - Luz González, Annatina Huwiler (Bern, Zürich)

Save the dates!
Each artist will share their practice within a residency sharing to the public.
An apéro and possibilities for exchange follow the sharing.
The sharing starts at 6 pm at Zeughaus 4 (Zeughausstrasse 56). Click here for the location on Google Maps (the door is on the street side and not in the courtyard).

16/01 with Myalo
03/02 with Zainab Lascandri
18/02 with Aya Metwalli
15/03 with Ronja Svaneborg
12/04 with Mario Espinoza
25/04 with Suntka Rinke & Kollektiv HuGo

The sharings are supported by Pro Helvetia Schweizer Kulturstiftung. The residency program is supported by Temperatio Stiftung and Oertli Stiftung.



Jad Atoui: First residency at the studio Z4 residency - in cooperation with Sonic Matter

From Novem

From November 24 to December 4, sound artist and performer Jad Atoui  will be working on the further development of his interactive installation "Vibrant Pools", which explores the multisensory experience of sound, during his residency.

On Tuesday, November 28, 2023 from 7 pm at Zeughaus 4 / IFMZ, Zeughausstrasse 56, 8004 Zurich, Jad Atoui will give an insight into his work and an outlook on the SONIC MATTER Festival, where he will be represented several times this year. Afterwards we invite you to an aperitif on site.

1 - 3 DEC:
SOFT CUSHION HOT EARS Lounges & Festival CenterInstallation "Vibrant Pools"

1 DEC:
borderline club
culturePerformance-Installation "In-Resonance" (Co-Creation Jad Atoui & june as)

2 DEZ:
Long Night of InterferencesSolo performance "Purge"

3. DEZ:
Meet the Artist / Jad Atoui
Introduction to "Vibrant Pools" and joint activation of the installation

Jad Atoui is a Beirut-based sound artist and improviser whose activities range from concerts to compositions, installations and workshops. He composes and plays electronic and electro-acoustic music and has performed on stage with musicians such as John Zorn, Pauline Oliveros, Laurie Anderson, Chuck Bettis, Tarek Atoui and Anthony Sahyoun. He has given and co-directed workshops at Marfa Sounding, Ashkal Alwan and the Beirut Synth Center.